Retail Media Generates 27 times more profit than a retail sale!

Discover how retail media advertising is unlocking super high margins that is changing the face of retail. Get a data driven estimate of how much revenue your Shopify store can make from retail media. Fuel retail growth by investing the incremental revenue from retail media in technology and lower prices for better customer experiences.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce advocates for retail media
Retail Media Calculator
Connect your Google Analytics and see how much your Shopify store can earn with our data driven retail media caclulator.
In-depth analysis with report.
Monthly Ad Revenue estimate
Top 10 most pages for Ads
Top 5 best positions
Top 3 Best ad formats for your store

What is a retail media revenue calculator?

A Retail Media revenue calculator allows you to estimate how much ad revenue your eCommerce store can earn from retail media ads. Simply connect your Google Analytics with a couple of clicks using our retail media revenue calculator tool and receive an estimate of what your Shopify / eCommerce store can generate in the first 90, 180 and 365 days. Zenbundle’s Retail Media revenue calculator uses data from Google analytics combined with a review of your eCommerce store by a Zenbundle retail media expert to provide estimates for how much your eCommerce store can earn from Retail Media.

Got questions? We’re glad you asked.

If you're wondering about how the Zenbundle platform works. We've got some more answers here
How does the 30-day money back guarantee work?

New users can try out the Zenbundle platform for 30 days on their Shopify store and if you want to cancel for any reason within the 30 days we are happy to provide you a full refund. After the 30 days are up, you are then on a 30 day rolling contract for the monthly fee plus any usage fees. You can cancel your platform fee at any time.

How does usage based pricing work?

In addition to the Starter, Growth or Enterprise monthly fixed platform fee, you pay as you grow per 1,000 paid ad impressions. We emphasise paid ad impressions as we want you to only use Zenbundle to deliver incremental paid retail media ad revenue for your Shopify store.

Can I still run ads through my store ads through my traditional content management system?

Yes, you can and we encourage you to continue to run store ads or ads that have been pre-agreed with advertisers through your traditional CMS. These ads run independently to ad campaigns you create through Zenbundle.

Can I run my traditional on-site ads through Zenbundle?

Yes!We have developed the platform so you don't have to choose between your CMS store ads, pre-existing advertising agreements with your suppliers and Zenbundle. Leaning into the zen philosophy, Zenbundle powered ads will blend seamlessly into your Shopify store.

Are there discounts for yearly plans?

Yes! But we believe it is best for you to figure out your needs and build your internal business case over an initial 2 to 3 month period. This way, you can be sure you have the right plan and know the features that best suit your store before committing to a yearly plan.

I have more questions. Where can I find answers?

We'd be happy to help. You can book a demo or contact us through our contact form.

30 day money back guarantee

If you change your mind for any reason within 30 days, we will refund you in full
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Free retail media revenue estimate
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30 days money back guarantee